I could go on and on and on about these three individuals!!  Little Daylight have become some of the most precious friends to me this past year, and I just think the world of them.  I gave this Brooklyn based band one of their first live sets ever at SXSW 2013, where we met and started our friendships.  From then on I never miss one of their shows in my town, and I always give them big ups for each single and remix they produce.  That same year they played my CMJ show in New York where they asked me if I was this friendly to all bands, and then wanted to know if I was exhausted!  Since then we've had many many laughs, some drunkin' adventures, definitely some drunk text sessions, and they actually always show up to my shows when they can!  Little Daylight released their first full length record this year called "Hello Memory" which I listened to one million times because it's brilliant!!  This is a love story between a great indie pop band and a girl with a passion for music!  There is a planet of love here ... a whole planet!!  Hugs and hi-fives all around!  

This band stole my heart in 2.5 seconds!  When I am asked what was the best live show I saw this year - hands down it was Safia!  I had this Australian indie soul electro band play my CMJ show this year in New York, and they blew me away.  I knew they were good from what I had heard, but I was not fully prepared for what I experienced.  As the first song started in the packed club, I could tell I was in for something special.  Soon after the room was moving and I started dancing - eventually I was totally and utterly swooning!  THIS!  This is it!  This is why I do what I do, this is why I work so hard!  This is what I am passionate about, artists like Safia make the world a better place.  There is no other feeling to compare the kind of power music can have over one's soul.  It's a beautiful thing!  I may have even screamed a bit - I felt like I was 10 years old again at my first New Kids On The Block concert.  After their set I met them backstage where I completely fell apart, gushing over them.  I kept giveing them hugs and not being able to let go because I was just so fucking happy!!  I may have even gotten a bit choked up when I was telling them what that set just did to me!  I had to explain what nerding-out meant (which was really cute) and how I was currently nerding out!!  The Safia boys were so sweet and thought I was pretty funny - and we'll be friends for life!!  Then we shot-gunned some beers and did some shots!  Best night of the year with Safia! Listen to the tracks below, they speak for themselves!